List of commands
Inkdrop provides a bunch of commands to allow you to associate arbitrary interactions with the features.
You can bind them with keystrokes, menu and context menu from plugins, the init file or keymap config file.
Note that some commands like core:open-note
require parameters so you have to invoke them programmatically with CommandRegistry like so:
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:open-note', {
noteId: 'note:uugSvPq5r'
Table of Contents
- Application commands
- Core commands
- Editor commands
- Export commands
- Import commands
- View commands
- Window commands
- Special commands
Application commands
Special commands that run in the main process to control the Inkdrop app. To invoke them, do like so:
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'
ipcRenderer.send('command', 'application:about', {})
Shows a dialog about Inkdrop.
application:bring-all-windows-to-frontmacOS only
Arranges windows listed in the Window menu in front of all other windows.
application:hidemacOS only
Hides Inkdrop windows.
application:hide-other-applicationsmacOS only
Hides all apps, except Inkdrop.
Shows a Developer Tools and inspects an element.
Logs out from the currently authenticated account.
application:minimizemacOS only
Minimizes Inkdrop application.
Opens up the preference window.
Opens up the Inkdrop website.
Quits the app.
Opens up the Inkdrop forum.
Opens up the list of software licenses.
Show and focus Inkdrop main window.
Toggle Inkdrop main window.
application:unhide-all-applicationsmacOS only
Unhides all apps, including Inkdrop.
Opens up the documentation website.
application:zoommacOS only
Toggles the size and location of the window between its standard state and its user state.
Perform data sync from the last checkpointer.
Perform data sync from the beginning.
Create a note and show it in a separate window.
Core commands
core:copyin body
Copy the selected text to clipboard.
core:copy-imagein body
Copy the target element's image to clipboard.
core:copy-note-linkin body
Copy links to notes as Markdown links. By default, copy currently selected on the note list.
- Name
- Type
- string|array
- Description
(Optional) The ID(s) of the note(s) to process.
core:cutin body
Delete the selected text and copy it to clipboard.
core:delete-notein body
Move notes currently selected on the note list to trash. If the notes are already in trash, they will be permanently deleted.
core:duplicate-notein body
Duplicates notes currently selected on the note list.
core:emphasizein .mde-cm-wrapper
Emphasize currently selected text.
core:empty-trashin body
Empties trash.
core:filter-notesin body
Filters current note list items with given keywords.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The keywords to filter.
core:filter-by-tagin body
Adds a filter condition with specified tag.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The ID of the tag to filter by.
core:findin body
Moves focus to the search bar.
core:find-clearin body
Clears the search bar text.
core:find-globalin body
Moves focus to the search bar and switch the search scope to global.
core:focus-nextin body
Moves focus to the next focusable UI component.
core:focus-note-list-barin body
Moves focus to the note list bar.
core:focus-previousin body
Moves focus to the previous focusable UI component.
core:indentin .mde-cm-wrapper
Indents the selected line(s).
core:insert-code-blockin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a code block.
core:insert-horizontal-rulein .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a horizontal rule: * * *
core:insert-linkin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a link.
core:navigate-backin body
Moves backward through the note open history.
core:navigate-forwardin body
Moves forward through the note open history.
core:new-notein body
Creates a new note and open it in the editor.
core:new-note-from-selectionin body
Creates a new note from the selected text on the editor.
core:new-notebookin body
Shows up a dialog for creating a new notebook.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
A parent notebook ID. If
, a notebook will be created under the root. Default:undefined
core:note-list-show-all-notesin body
Lists all notes on the note list bar.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to select the first note or not. Default:
core:note-list-show-notes-in-bookin body
List notes in specified notebook on the note list bar
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The notebook ID
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The tag ID to filter items
- Name
- Type
- NoteStatus
- Description
The note status which should be one of:
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to select the first note or not. Default:
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to include the notes in the child notebooks. Default:
core:note-list-show-notes-with-tagin body
List notes with specified tag on the note list bar
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The tag ID.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to select the first note or not. Default:
core:note-list-show-notes-with-statusin body
List notes with specified note status on the note list bar
- Name
- Type
- NoteStatus
- Required
- Description
The note status which should be one of:
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to select the first note or not. Default:
core:note-list-show-notes-in-book-of-editing-notein body
List notes in a notebook of the currently editing note on the note list bar.
core:note-tags-bar-item-list-unselectin .note-tags-bar-item-list
Unselect items on the note tags bar.
core:note-tags-bar-item-list-select-previn .note-tags-bar-item-list
Select the previous item on the note tags bar.
core:note-tags-bar-item-list-select-nextin .note-tags-bar-item-list
Select the next item on the note tags bar.
core:note-tags-bar-item-list-select-remove-item-beforein .note-tags-bar-item-list
Remove the selected item and select its previous item on the note tags bar.
core:note-tags-bar-item-list-select-remove-itemin .note-tags-bar-item-list
Remove the target item on the note tags bar.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
(Optional) The tag ID to remove.
core:open-first-notein body
Opens the first note of the note list bar in the editor.
core:open-next-notein body
Opens the next note of currently selected note on the note list bar.
core:close-notein body
Closes the currently editing note.
core:open-notein body
Opens a note with specified note ID.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The ID of the note to open.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to select the correspond note in the note list bar.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Remember it in the navigation history.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Whether to open the note in a separate window.
core:open-note-in-separate-windowin body
Opens notes in separate windows. By default, opens notes selected on the note list bar.
- Name
- Type
- string|array
- Description
(Optional) The ID(s) of the note(s) to open.
core:open-prev-notein body
Opens the previous note of currently selected note on the note list bar.
core:open-prev-notein body
Opens the previous note of currently selected note on the note list bar.
core:open-tag-settingsin body
Opens up the settings window for the tag with specified ID.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ID of the tag to set.
core:pastein body
Pastes a text from clipboard.
core:paste-as-plain-textin body
Pastes a text from clipboard as plain text.
core:redoin body
Redoes the last undone change.
core:save-imagein body
Saves the target element's image to disk.
core:save-notein body
Saves the currently editing note to the local database.
core:select-allin body
Select all text.
core:search-notesin body
Search notes globally with given keywords.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The keywords to search.
core:share-notein body
Shows up a dialog for sharing note with specified ID.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The ID of the note to be shared.
core:show-note-revisionsin body
Shows up a dialog for viewing note change history with specified ID.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The ID of the note to view its revision history.
core:sidebar-focusin body
Moves focus to the side bar.
core:sidebar-select-next-itemin body
Select next item of the side bar menu.
core:sidebar-select-prev-itemin body
Select previous item of the side bar menu.
core:strikethroughin .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles strikethrough to the selected text.
core:strongin .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles strong emphasis to the selected text.
core:toggle-blockquotein .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles blockquote to the selected lines.
core:toggle-bulleted-listin .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles bulleted list to the selected lines.
core:toggle-heading-1in .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles h1 heading to the selected lines.
core:toggle-heading-2in .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles h2 heading to the selected lines.
core:toggle-heading-3in .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles h3 heading to the selected lines.
core:toggle-heading-4in .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles h4 heading to the selected lines.
core:toggle-heading-biggerin .mde-cm-wrapper
Decreases heading level of the selected lines.
core:toggle-heading-smallerin .mde-cm-wrapper
Increases heading level of the selected lines.
core:toggle-numbered-listin .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles ordered list to the selected lines.
core:toggle-task-listin .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles task list to the selected lines.
core:toggle-inline-codein .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles inline code block to the selected text.
core:undoin .mde-cm-wrapper
Undoes the last change.
core:unindentin .mde-cm-wrapper
Unindents the current lines.
core:insert-alertin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts an alert block with the specified type.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- Description
The type of the alert block. It should be one of "NOTE", "TIP", "IMPORTANT", "WARNING", or "CAUTION".
core:insert-alert-notein .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a note alert block.
core:insert-alert-tipin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a tip alert block.
core:insert-alert-importantin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts an important alert block.
core:insert-alert-warningin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a warning alert block.
core:insert-alert-cautionin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a caution alert block.
Editor commands
editor:clear-findin body
Clears the text in the editor search bar.
editor:change-note-status-nonein body
Set the note status of the editing note to None.
editor:change-note-status-activein body
Set the note status of the editing note to Active.
editor:change-note-status-onholdin body
Set the note status of the editing note to OnHold.
editor:change-note-status-completedin body
Set the note status of the editing note to Completed.
editor:change-note-status-droppedin body
Set the note status of the editing note to Dropped.
editor:delete-char-afterin .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the char after the cursor.
editor:delete-char-beforein .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the char before the cursor.
editor:delete-group-afterin .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the text group after the cursor.
editor:delete-group-beforein .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the text group before the cursor.
editor:delete-linein .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the line.
editor:delete-word-afterin .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the word after the cursor.
editor:delete-word-beforein .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the word before the cursor.
editor:delete-wrapped-line-leftin .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the wrapped line left.
editor:delete-wrapped-line-rightin .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the wrapped line right.
editor:findin body
Toggles the editor search bar.
editor:find-nextin body
Locates the next item in the editor that matches criteria.
editor:find-previn body
Locates the previous item in the editor that matches criteria.
editor:find-textin body
Finds given text in the editor.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
String, the text to find.
editor:focusin body
Focuses to the MDE or preview pane depending on the editor mode.
editor:focus-mdein body
Moves focus to the MDE.
editor:focus-previewin body
Moves focus to the preview pane.
editor:go-char-leftin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one character left.
editor:go-char-rightin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one character right.
editor:go-doc-endin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
editor:go-doc-startin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to the start of the document.
editor:go-group-leftin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one group left.
editor:go-group-rightin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one group right.
editor:go-line-downin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one line down.
editor:go-line-endin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to the line end.
editor:go-line-leftin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to the line left.
editor:go-line-rightin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to the line right.
editor:go-line-startin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to the line start.
editor:go-line-upin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one line up.
editor:go-page-downin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one page down.
editor:go-page-upin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one page up.
editor:go-word-leftin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one word left.
editor:go-word-rightin .mde-cm-wrapper
Moves the cursor to one word right.
editor:indentin .mde-cm-wrapper
Indents the currently selected line(s).
editor:indent-lessin .mde-cm-wrapper
Unindents the currently selected line(s).
editor:indent-morein .mde-cm-wrapper
Indents one more the currently selected line(s).
editor:insert-imagesin .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts image files at the cursor to the editing note.
- Name
- Type
- object
- Description
Position to insert with the following keys:
- Name
- Type
- number
- Description
Character position.
- Name
- Type
- number
- Description
Line position.
- Name
- Type
- FileList|array
- Description
FileList, or an Array of File or NativeImage to insert.
You can override the default file drop handler like so:
const mde = inkdrop.getActiveEditorOrThrowError()
inkdrop.commands.add(mde.wrapper.wrapper, {
'editor:insert-images': e => {
const { files, pos } = e
// Do something
// prevent the default behavior
editor:jump-to-linein .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles a dialog which allows you to jump to the line at the specified number.
editor:kill-linein .mde-cm-wrapper
Deletes the line at the cursor.
editor:new-linein .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a new line below the cursor.
editor:open-linein .mde-cm-wrapper
Inserts a new line above the cursor.
editor:redo-selectionin .mde-cm-wrapper
Redoes the last selection.
editor:replacein body
Initiates the replace sequence in the editor.
editor:replace-selectionin .mde-cm-wrapper
Replaces selected text with the given text.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
String, the text to replace.
editor:scroll-editor-to-linein body
Scrolls the editor to the given line.
- Name
- Type
- number
- Description
Number, the destination line number.
editor:scroll-preview-to-linein body
Scrolls the preview to the given line.
- Name
- Type
- number
- Description
Number, the destination line number.
editor:select-allin .mde-cm-wrapper
Selects all text in the editor.
editor:select-lines-downwardin .mde-cm-wrapper
Adds a cursor downward.
editor:select-lines-upwardin .mde-cm-wrapper
Adds a cursor upward.
editor:single-selectionin .mde-cm-wrapper
Removes all cursors except the primary one.
editor:sync-editor-scrollin body
Syncs the scroll position of the editor with the same position of the preview pane.
editor:sync-preview-scrollin body
Syncs the scroll position of the preview pane with the same position of the editor.
editor:focus-titlein body
Moves focus to the title input bar of the editor.
editor:toggle-overwritein .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles overwrite mode.
editor:toggle-task-listin .mde-cm-wrapper
Toggles task list to the current selections.
editor:transpose-charsin .mde-cm-wrapper
Transposes characters at the cursor.
editor:undo-selectionin .mde-cm-wrapper
Undoes the last selection.
editor:unindentin .mde-cm-wrapper
Unindents the current lines.
editor:show-notes-in-book-of-editing-notein body
Display notes in a notebook of the currently editing note on the note list bar.
editor:go-to-workspace-of-editing-notein body
Switches to the workspace of the notebook of the currently editing note.
core:toggle-editor-drawerin body
Toggle editor drawer.
core:show-editor-drawerin body
Show editor drawer.
core:close-editor-drawerin body
Hide editor drawer.
Export commands
export-as-html:exportin body
Exports selected notes on the note list bar as HTML to disk.
export-as-markdown:allin body
Exports all notes as Markdown to disk.
export-as-markdown:singlein body
Exports the editing note as Markdown to disk.
export-print:export-as-pdfin body
Exports the editing note as PDF to disk.
export-print:printin body
Prints the editing note.
Import commands
import-html:import-from-filein body
Imports a note from a HTML file.
View commands
view:sort-by-date-createdin body
Sorts the note list by date created.
view:sort-by-date-updatedin body
Sorts the note list by date updated.
view:sort-by-titlein body
Sorts the note list by title.
view:sort-in-ascendingin body
Sorts the note list in ascending order.
view:sort-in-descendingin body
Sorts the note list in descending order.
view:toggle-distraction-freein body
Toggles distraction-free mode.
view:toggle-previewin body
Toggles the preview pane.
view:toggle-side-by-sidein body
Toggles the side-by-side mode.
view:toggle-sidebarin body
Toggles the side bar.
Window commands
window:closein body
Closes the window.
window:decrease-font-sizein body
Decreases the font size in the editor.
window:increase-font-sizein body
Increases the font size in the editor.
window:install-shell-commandsin body
Installs ipm
command to your system.
window:new-inkdrop-windowin body
Opens up a new window.
window:reloadin body
Reloads the window.
window:toggle-dev-toolsin body
Toggles the Developer Tools window.
window:toggle-full-screenin body
Toggles full screen mode.
Special commands
The following commands are special for controlling the key event handler.
Triggers the default behavior of the key event.
Unbinds the existing keybinding.
Prevents the default behavior of the key event. It calls preventDefault
on the event object.